Ma journee typique de mecredi

Titre- Ma Journée Typique


A la fin de notre unité sur Une journée Typique dans la classe de français, Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de faire un projet pour démontrer ce que nous avions appris. J’ai choisi CANVA pour montrer les activités que je fais dans une journée typique comme le mercredi . Nous devions aussi utiliser l’horloge de 24 heures pour indiquer à quelle heure on faisait chaque activité. Après, nous avons présenté notre projet à la classe. J’aurais pu m’améliorer en ne lisant pas les diapositives et en regardant davantage l’auditoire. Cliquer sur le lien pour visionner  mon projet!

Les inuits

Dans la classe d’etudes social, je recherche un group des premiere nations.En suite je vais presente oralement a notre group. Cliquez ici pour visionez mon preoject!


My bottle cap design

Hey you! Yeah you you, You Coca-Cola users must think about the earth before you throw it away! If you are confused I am confused too! let me explain, because most people that drink out of Coca-Cola bottles or just any bottles just throw them away without thinking of the earth!

So instead of throwing them out, just use my invention for only Seventy – Eight – CENTS!


How my invention is helpful.

Hypothetically let’s say one day your AC broke and you are sweating a TON, and you have nothing else to help you. Here’s what you should do: You go to a store and there was a reused bottle and they turned it into a fan.

You buy it for only SEVENTY-EIGHT CENTS! You just pull the string and then the fan propels.

That easy! 


How my invention does not pollute.

First of all my invention is the complete opposite of polluting, it is a reused Coca-Cola bottle and created into a fan. Second of all when you use it uses your strength by pulling the string,

By the time you let go the fan will spin and make air.

Third of all the inventions are made in pieces so if you suddenly drop it, don’t throw it away, just rebuild it.


Everybody can use it

My invention comes in different sizes so if you can’t hold it  just get a smaller size,

It also has decorations on it and you can change the decorations.

And you can adjust how long the string is, so if it does not last long enough just adjust the length of the string so it can last longer.

My invention is SUPER cheap, every Wednesday and weekends there is a discount!


To sum things up.

Polluting is not good so just use my invention that is a reused bottle, and it’s okay if you don’t want to buy it. The thing I want you to do is just don’t pollute.

I hope you enjoyed and learned something new.


New computer

Mom and dad,


As you know I have a computer that is slowly breaking and before it breaks please let me get one. Hello my name is Liam Mordel and I NEED A NEW COMPUTER.


So as you know my computer is breaking, my computer is breaking because it somehow got a virus so then I tried to fix it, but it did not work so I tried to fix it but I made it worse. So now every few minutes or hours something gets deleted randomly and then soon it will delete my whole account, which then there is no point in my computer. 


Having a better computer in school is probably having a better education. Hypothetically, let’s say that all of my homework can only be finished online and if my computer refuses to work, I can’t do it which probably effects my grades. 


Last reason, it would also make me more happy, because as you know I like to play video games. So having a better computer can upgrade my gaming to a new level, so please can I have the computer. I want this computer so bad, I would just buy the computer with my own money.


In conclusion, having a better computer not only makes your grades better it can also make you more happy. So thank you for listening mom and dad (and remember I want this computer SO BAD!)  


The 7 Granfather Teaching

Hello Blaze & Ghost rider here. we are telling you about The 7 grandfather teachings is an Anishinaabe Tradition. It is celebrated on June 21st, There are seven Teachings  which are:


truth = turtle

humility = wolf

honesty = Sasquatch

love = eagle

wisdom = beaver

respect = buffalo

We think that courage is the most important teaching. Because its the thing that makes you go further in life.

Here is a picture of all the 7 teachings 

Rock presentation

I have created a blog post of rocks, at the bottom you see a picture of volcano, so we have multiple things. I try to create a blog post with three areas, Sedimentary, Metamorphic and igneous

MY self reflect is that i should have drew a volcano and in the inside its a picture of how it work.

Here is the video of my presentation


in conclusion rocks can be expensive an cheap, rare and common, so i hope you learned something new and enjoyed,thank you for listening to my presentation

Self reflect public public speaking

What did i find challenging? I found it challenging coming up with the idea. It was challenging because i had so many good ideas it was difficult to choose one.


What did I find easy. Well i have to say, it was challenging.

Everything so what i would say is “Nothing”


What did i enjoy? When i was presenting it. It is really fun to present to the class, that is what i enjoyed.


What did i not enjoy? So again, I did not enjoy coming up with the idea.


What would i do differently next time? I would practice more,

Look at audience more and more clear with my words.

Public speaking

Aww man,my tongue is itchy, oh no, i might be allergic to something, i need to take a check up.

Hello, my name is Liam Mordel and I will be talking about annoying allergies.


My three main points are, What is an allergy , what you can do to prevent from getting an allergy, What are the kinds of the reactions you can get. 

let’s begin!


What is an allergy?(PAUSE) An allergy is when your immune system reacts to a specific food or pollen, bee venom or pet dander.(PAUSE) These things can cause allergic reactions. This happens because either you have not eaten this food (if it’s a food) or bee venom, But bee venom contains proteins that will affect your skin cells and your immune system making sometimes pain and swelling even, if the person is not allergic to bees. It won’t be as worse as the person who does have an allergy to bees.


Another thing, can you just develop allergies on the spot?(PAUSE) Well Allergies can just develop at any time in your life, However they can start unexpected as an adult, Hypothetically  let’s say your parents have an allergy to something, that can give you a bigger chance of developing one in any time in your life. Fun fact, between 10% and 30% of the population of the world has an allergy.


Back to the story, when he goes  to take a check up the doctor he asks “what have you eaten that caused this reaction?” He says “Cashews” “ok, we need to do a test” “what’s the test?” “ so we have a tray, the tray has spikes on them,The spikes are hollow to let the liquid be inside when they touch your skin, the liquid of each type of nut is going to touch your skin” “but what happens when it touches the skin?” “ there is going to be a rash, but don’t scratch it until you go home, then go to the shower and just rest until the rash just fades away”(PAUSE


What can you do to prevent getting an allergy?(PAUSE) First thing, if it’s a seasonal allergy, you can go get an allergy shot, it may be a pain, because you need to get the shot twice a week for three months, after you’ve been doing that for three months, you get an allergy shot every month! (This works because it makes you challenge the pollen so your immune system will be stronger to pollen)


Plus, this makes you overcome your fear of needles,(PAUSE) Second choice, you can just keep on eating the food (this works to help you to prevent the allergies, so your immune system can develope of being not allergic to this food, So try to eat all the foods before it’s too late! “unless if it’s a food you don’t like”) that’s how i got my allergy(PAUSE)


Back to the story, AGAIN, when the spikes touched his skin, he saw all the liquid touch his skin. He felt the itchiness after 30 seconds, There was three, one, hazelnut, Tree nuts, Cashews,

After about 7 minutes, he looked at three of them. He asked “why does cashews look like Texas, Hazelnut look like octopus? and the tree nuts on my left arm are HUGE!?”


The bigger it is, the more dangerous it is to your immune system, so don’t get near tree nuts, OR ELSE IT CAN KILL YOU, But if you get a reaction take an epipen, use it when you have a reaction. Take off the cap dab it in your thigh for 7 seconds and call the ambulance, The medics will do the rest of the work.

Speaking of reactions.

I have to finish saying my last paragraph about REACTIONS.


The most common reaction is runny nose, Sneezing, itchiness, this is called “Rhinitis”

 itchiness, red eyes, watering eyes, this is called “conjunctivitis”

Those are some of the common allergic reactions, now let’s get in A DANGEROUS one. There is one when your throat closes in slowly, and when it closes fully you can’t breathe, That means you need to use your epipen. When you dab it in your thigh you wait seven seconds, This Medication acts on the whole body which blocks the progression of the reaction. Then this gives you more time to breathe and let the ambulance come to you. This Adrenaline lasts for about 30 minutes, The epipen will expire in about 18 months but the max is 3 years. (PAUSE)


In conclusion, allergies can be dangerous and threaten your life. But in the end, if you take care and monitor them, you will be completely fine. Thank you for listening to my presentation. 

My cookie Excavation

Hello today i will be talking about how i did my cookie excavation in science class, before we get into this. I want to tell you what a geologist is, a geologist is a scientist in rocks and sometimes inspects the rocks, cool things they do. They go to an active volcano and they find rocks,When they get a rock they inspect it, and when they do that they can tell when the volcano is going to erupt. That was my little talk about what geologists are. Now about the cookie excavation,

To start i got to choose a cookie, i chose the Cara-milk one (it’s a type of cookie with caramel chocolate chips) I excavated the cookie meaning I took out the chocolate chips. I had two cookies to excavate.  i had to predict what i would get, so i wrote 12 on the first and fourteen on the second that was my prediction, so on my first cookie i got about 16 chocolate chips, and for the second i got 17,

Conclusion, i got 16 on the first one, and i thought there would be 12, And on the second cookie i got 17, and i thought there would be 14

Here are some pictures of me and VIDEO