
Minecraft is a game of blocks trying to survive mobs, and you look for ores to make tools. Like iron nephrite diamonds to make these materials  includes a crafting table without crafting tables you can’t create any materials your starting material is wood it allows you to a crafting table you need wood to make planks then you create a crafting table then the ores you have you can create materials or armor and make horse armor too 


You can make tools and weapons like swords, shovel hoe axes and pickaxes.

With those tools, you can start exploring your world and some caves too.

You can mine ossifiante with a diamond pickaxe and make a nether portal with only 12 obsidian. Light it up with some flint and steel after you do that you go to another dimension called the “ Nether”

 and after that you can kill some endermen looking very tall monsters. Hope for the best to get an ender pearl.


To use an ender pearl you can get some blazes, getn blaze rods, make some blaze powder and craft an eye of ender. Get as much as you can then throw them and it will lead you to the stronghold.

Use 12 eyes of ender to put on the frames. After you lit up a new portal which will lead you to the end. Get some armour and kill the ender dragon! after that you can go back to the overworld and if you seen another portal throw an ender pearl and you can find an end if there is a ship go inside it then you get an elytra.using a elytra requires some fireworks and to jump from high places to fly.  and then if you want more xp you can make mob farm and get more loot too.


But that’s not the only boss battle there are three more ,elder guardian,wither and the woodland mansion.

To beat the wither includes soul sand and three wither skulls.

To get soul sand  in the nether, they find black skeletons called. The wither skeleton hopes for the best and gets three wither skulls you might want looting on your sword.

Then put three blocks up of salsa de then put one on each side and bophut three of the wither skull and boom!! There now you have to beat the wither after you kill the wither then  you can craft a beacon.


To light a beacon includes any type of ore except lapis.

Need to make enough blocks to make a pyramid then put the beacon in the middle. Then it lights up. When it lights up then you become stronger in the game. Oh and also there is this ore called netherite.

You’ll need about five netherite scraps then put gold everywhere else except the middle. Then you have a nethérité ingot the put only beside 

Diamond armour then you got a piece of the armour like a netherite helmet.


Find a village and trade some emeralds and then it can trade you a map to the woodland mansion and it should say that.

Then it will lead you to the woodland mansion, kill all the pillagers and the mobs one  of the mobs drops a totem of undying called an evoker and when you die it brings you back to life it is really good if you’re fighting like mobs or boss battles.


Elder guardian battle: When they spawn in the monument penthouse and in each- wing 

Just to tell where those places I said are where the three elder guardians spawn.

Temples: so there are jungle temples and desert temples for desert temples do not dig in the middle because there is TNT in the middle then you’ll see chests and there is about four ChestsPS dig under it and then you’ll get some TNT

Jungle temples are in the most rare biome which you probably know the jungle.

There are traps and you’ll see a chest.


Pillagers base:so pillagers are strong they have enchanted crossbows and a trapped golem. Open the golem then the golem will help you kill the pillagers then there will be a chest in the building.

Rades:do raids usually happen in a village some golems will help you kill the raid.

After you will get a totem undying.


Villages: there are jungle villages, snow villages, desert villages, savna villages and forest villages and there are abandoned villages.

There is this type of house  that is a black smith house. In the houses there are a chance of obsidian swords and diamonds or iron armour.


Minshafts: mineshafts is like a mine there will be some chests in minecarts you could find some diamond (beware there might be mobs) mine shafts are usually found underground there is a this type of biome that looks like the grand canyon and you might find mine shafts on the ground. 


Ruine portals: ruin portals can be found underwater or on ground. In the chests there might be gold armor or gold apples and maybe obsidian.

Enchanting table:
To make an enchanting table includes 4 obsidian,2 diamonds, and a book on the top.


Enchanting tables are used to upgrade items and armour.

To enchant includes levels which is XP and also lapis there are enchants like



Distance Learning

I like distance learning for a few reasons and not, well here’s why: I usually wake at 7:49 on school days. Since we are online now I wake up at 8:30. I love sleeping which online helps me a lot for sleeping. I can also eat whenever I want and whatever I have in the house. I can sometimes be on my bed.

Why I don’t like distance learning: I rather actually see my friends instead of calling. We can’t really play many fun games than we do usually in recess. Not actually seeing my friends but on screens instead even makes me think I’m talking to robots because you never know who can it actually be…


Kids need more lunch time

I think kids need to have more lunchtime at school. It is healthy to eat food. You need time to eat food so you don’t pass out. More time to eat will help kids have energy for the afternoon. These are some of the reasons why kids need more time to eat.

It is healthy to eat food. Kids need the time to eat their food at lunch because some of their food might need to be thrown out after school because it could expire fast. It is better to take the time and eat slowly so our bodies digest the food. It is also important to eat slowly so kids don’t choke. If kids were given the time to eat they would be healthier and it would be much better for the kids to take their time during lunch.

You need time to eat food so you don’t pass out. Because if you do pass out, you can be still eating and you choke or you fall down on your chair and hurt yourself. Kids need the right amount of food for their health, not just sugar. They also need to stay hydrated, healthy kids will focus better in the afternoon.

More time to eat will help the kids have energy in the afternoon. The students would be able to understand their work and learn more in their classes after lunch. They’ll do more work and concentrate and do their work better. The students will understand better so they can do their best at school.

I think it would be better if every class would have this time to eat so they can focus better and learn more after lunch. The students will be healthy, hydrated, and have lots of energy to work. The students wouldn’t be sick so they wouldn’t miss school and lessons. It would be really good if you said yes to this and give the kids more time to eat. Don’t you want every student to do their best? 

Mes choses préférées

Le dernier film que j’ai vu était “the war with grandpa. 

Dans mon nom de famille il y a six lettres.

Ce matin j’ai manger le pancake.

Mon animal de compagnie est un chien.

Mon sport préféré est le ski.

Ma nourriture préférée c’est le sushi.

Ma couleur préférée ca bleu.

Mon livre préféré  c’est  le petit prince.

Mon anniversaire est dans le mois de décembre.

Mon animal préféré est un chiot.

Quand je serai grand je veux être architecte.

Mon activité hivernale préférée est le ski.


How to make a mini parade float

Problem: Can I make a parade float that can hold 100g? Can it go more than 50cm down a ramp?

Hypothesis: I think I can make a parade float that can hold 100g and travel at least 50cm

1.Start off with one piece of cardboard about 18cm wide and 27cm in width then take balls with holes in them.

  1. Take  two wooden sticks about 5mm in width and in length is about 30cm
  2. Take the cardboard and look on the side of it, after look on the side stuff the stick through it

4.Take the balls with the holes stick the stick in one of the holes, after you do that put an elastic right in front of each ball (so the ball doesn’t go out ) 

5.the take a toilet paper tube about 22cm long, then take a piece of cardboard in width about 19cm and of or how long they are 16 cm

6.Take the toilet paper tube then put it on the piece of cardboard then circle the paper tube then cut out the hole then put the tube in the hole

7.Then hot glue around the tube take a small cup then glue it on top of the tube after it all dries up hot glue the cardboard to the platform

8.Get ANOTHER piece of cardboard in width about 13cm, then in length is about 22cm then hot glue it to the platform and the other cardboard piece

9.Then glue paper outside of the parade float, then draw whatever you want on the paper after you do that take a straw then a bamboo skewer tape the straw to the cardboard 

  1. Take a bamboo skewer and put it in the straw, after take a piece of paper and draw any flag you want on when your done drawing tape it to the straw and bamboo skewer
  2. Take any marker and start drawing on it when you’re done it will end up like this.   
  3. Test the float.


RESULTS:  I made it go 190 cm and it could hold 200g.


    This is the tank parade float that you made!!!;)