
I will tell you how I built my music project.
First, I took and cut in half the Coca-Cola bottle. i taped all of the on top of it, then i took the other half(did-int do anything with it) i just taped it with the other drum. After i took a toilet paper roll and put wax paper on top, i wrap the wax paper around it then put an elastic to stick it with then tape it with the other drum.
Take a red cup put a hole on the top the connect it with the other drum.
then take a transparent plastic cup then put duck tape to make more strong to sound different then after
take another red cup and take a stick and put it with the cup so it’s like a hammer,
Then you will need to do take a transparent plastic cup then add toothpicks inside to sound like a maraka then put tape under then stick a stick through it , hot glue the stick to stick with the cup the you are finished!

Banks story: Teaser Trailer


Jeff and Brosky Ben getting to steal money then on the news banks were all on fire worldwide, will they figure out who is doing this and why?

His name is  M***  K*****

Will they figure out his name SPONTANEOUSLY?  Will they figure out codes And secrets? Car Scenes and plane scenes?

…This book will come out around 2022